Experience Life and Live to Write About It

grandkids-2016Me and my grandkids in June 0f 2016

NOTE: This article was written in June of 2016 and I am reposting it. Consider how you experience life and record those special times.

How do we remember all the significant things that happen in our lives? How do we recall what was going on when we were 7, 12, 15, 21, 30, 40, 50, (shudder) 60 and beyond?

I don't have a photographic memory. But I do have a camera in my phone. Most people do nowadays. Back in the day we had to work at taking pictures. You had to bring the camera along and it wasn't quite so instant, unless you were using a Polaroid.


Today we live in a world where the technology gives us instant access to record and share our experiences. This is good and bad. Not everything is "share worthy". But how fantastic that we can quickly preserve and share when we want to and think it is worthwhile.

Yesterday my wife and I took our two young grandkids to the local nature center. We hiked around and had a picnic lunch. It was a scorcher here by the afternoon, so it was good that we did it all in the morning.

The five W's of Work Journal

I journaled about it later in the day. I told the kiddos how much fun I had. We talked about it, I took some pictures, gave it some social media love and hopefully it was memorable for the grandchildren. I know that taking the time to both experience life and taking the time to write about it helps. I have a record of the day and someday in the future maybe it will be part of a bigger story.

Grandparents aren't the only ones to do this. Because we have so many tools anybody can find ways to preserve life experiences. Photobooks, blogs, Instagram, Facebook and so forth. But it certainly doesn't have to be high tech. Get out the paper, crayons and glue and create a collage. Or find some other fun activity.

If you aren't already journaling maybe you should give it a try. It sure works for me.


I wish I remembered more from my childhood. I don't know why I don't. My parents did take pictures and sometimes looking at them brings back memories. Not always. And it is pretty ironic that I can't tell you much about my school days, at least prior to High School. It's ironic because I've had a second career as a 5th grade teacher. Who knows how many kids will remember me? I know it sometimes happens.

Maybe I just wasn't paying that close attention. These days I like to experience life and write about it, think about it and even share about it. If you wonder what you should write about regarding your life keep in mind that it is your story. So write what you think is important. But hopefully you are having lots of life experiences.

The more we get out there in the world and live the more experiences we will have and the more we learn and have something to say about it.