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Your Life is Your Story, Issue #220 – Walk to Write
January 30, 2025

"Your past is your story up to now. The future is the story yet to come. The present is where you live with that experience, your hopes and your dreams."

Your Life is Your Story Newsletter

January 30, 2025
Your Life is Your Story, Issue #220 – Walk to Write

From Tom Gilbert – Editor and Writer,

In this Issue:
Opening remarks: Future Projecting
Featured Article – Walk to Write
Featured Resource – Memoir by Poetry

Opening Remarks: Future Projecting

Let’s talk about FP. FP, as in future projecting.

They say there is no such thing as time travel. But in your mind do you ever travel to the future? Many of us love to dream about future possibilities. And if you are positive and work towards good goals then there can be some benefit to this.

On the other hand, if you are spending your days worrying about the future and things that might happen, well that can bring about lots of anxiety and a waste of time.

I have heard it said that most of what we think and worry about as future possibilities never comes true. A Bobby McFerrin song from the 80s gave us a good line: “Don’t worry, be happy.” Of course, we can’t be pollyanna all the time. It’s good to be real, but not living in expectations rather than focusing on the now. Live life fully, make memories, share your experience, strength and hope and know that your life is your story!

Thank you so much for being part of the Your Life Is Your Story community. Thanks to all our subscribers. I hope you enjoy this month’s issue.

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– Tom

Featured Article: Walk to Write

Walking stirs my imagination and creativity. Yes, it is also good exercise. But when I plan on writing something I need to mull it over. So I often go for a walk first.

Getting outside is a great way to disentangle your mind from the stress of trying to write something and ending up feeling blocked. Although this is something many writing coaches have encouraged, I am surprised how few people are aware of the benefit.

When I go for a walk and contemplate an idea for an article or perhaps a chapter for a memoir my mind feels engaged. And the outdoors stimulates me as I breathe in air while exerting the energy to walk along whatever path I am on.

An article I wrote over twenty years ago relates an enjoyable and profound experience I had walking with my then young seven year old son. The Walk relates the time my son and I went for a walk around the flood plain near our home and my observations of his youthful enthusiasm and wonder. Yes, before I wrote this story about a walk I’d taken with my son, I went for a stroll and rolled words and ideas around in my head.

Walking can really help you with your writing. It’s just one of many tips you can add to your “writer’s toolbox” and I recommend you try it yourself.

Read other helpful life story articles at here.

Featured Resource: Memoir by Poetry

Many years ago I was contacted by an aspiring young poet from Mississippi looking for help to write about his life to that point. It’s unusual for someone in their early twenties to be contemplating memoir and their life story. However, Ahrend Torrey, the poet, is an unusual person and a very talented writer.

This poet has now been published many times and he is really growing as a writer. I admire his love of nature and human rights. He has strong convictions and like many other poets has the ability to express his feelings in creative form. Currently he and I are working on a biography of sorts while he is also writing poems about his life for an eventual memoir through poetry.

You can search for his poetry collections such as This Moment, Ripples and Bird City, American Eye, to name a few, online at the usual places.

Closing Information

That’s it for this month’s issue. Thanks for reading. Here’s to telling your story. Do give it some serious consideration because I just know you’ve got a great story to tell! Be sure to see the Get Started section.

Any comments, ideas or feedback is greatly appreciated. Just reply to this ‘zine and tell me what you think!

Until next time, – keep your story alive!

Tom Gilbert

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